How to monetize a free-to-play game? There are two obvious ways which are advertising and in-game store. Quite enough is said about ads, so we’ve decided to cover the second part of the topic as seen through devtodev experience. In this free book we’ve organised our vast experience working with ad analysis and user interactions with stores in different games.
Why Read this Book?
An in-game store is very much like an ordinary store or a shopping centre with all the same rules of conventional retail industry: if you strive to maximize your income, arrange your goods in a certain way, in a certain order, at a certain place, place this good next to tht one and regulary discount this or that group of related goods. However, game industry, by contrast with retail, do not yet have established rules and norms. So, in this book, we are going to share our experience of improving different aspects of in-game stores in games of different genres.
What to Change to Boost Income of your Game or App?
Overall appearance of the store;
Number and placement of the goods;
Set ‘balanced’ prices;
Set fair exchange rate.
… etc. In short, try to change everything changeable.
Get the Book!
This free book will come in handy for studio owners, game designers, producers, developers, and all people who are interested in how games make money.
The book is absolutely FREE. Read and share it!
P.S. Look at the metrics more closely using the free devtodev demo project.