About an Update
Every so often we introduce small useful features to the devtodev analytics platform. In our latest update we added distribution by parameter (Show % of total) across all the Basic metrics report tables. This feature proves particularly valuable when you need to determine the percentage of users with a specific attribute in relation to the total number of users in a particular group. It’s extremely convenient because you don’t need to waste time on creating separate SQL queries anymore!
How to Use It?
Use percentage share to demonstrate:
Percentage of active users in a particular country;
Share the top traffic sources in all traffic;
Percentage of paying users using a certain device, etc.

Please note that this calculation is performed automatically and can be easily turned on using the “Show % of total” option. Simply open the “Basic metrics” section, build a report, and turn user distribution by parameter on.
As always, if you have any questions or issues, please drop us a line at info@devtodev.com.