More Alert Options

Receive alerts if the number of basic or custom events suddenly changes and use two new trigger conditions.
More Alert Options

About an Update

With the recent Devtodev update, you can receive notifications if the number of basic or custom events suddenly changes or differs from a specific day. These alerts will inform you about any positive or negative fluctuations.

Also, two new conditions have become available: a comparison with the previous day and a comparison with the same day last week. This allows the alert to activate when yesterday's event count is different from the count on the chosen day.

New alert options
Screenshot from Devtodev demo

How do you Use it?

There are many ways you can utilize this type of alerts. For example:

  • Create an alert that triggers when the user takes a desired action tracked by an event (such as sign-up, project creation, shop opening, purchase, lesson completion, deposit, etc.).

  • Compare yesterday’s metrics, such as active users and revenue, with the corresponding day of the previous week if your app experiences weekly seasonality.

  • Use alerts to monitor essential custom actions post-update, ensuring that any introduced changes do not lead to issues.

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Devtodev DEMO

What's inside?
About an Update
How do you Use it?


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